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Web Help & Support

Check the How To Examples section to learn more about using Ballistic Explorer.

--- Problem Index ---

How do I find specific help inside the program?

The program is provided with a context sensitive help file that uses the standard F1 method of opening the file to the selected item's help topic.

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My favorite load or bullet is not in the database.

You can still work with your favorite load or bullet if you know some basic information. To work with a bullet you need to know its B.C. (Ballistic Coefficient) and weight. To work with a load you also need to know the muzzle velocity of that load.

Usually ammunition manufacturer's catalogs don't list the BC of the bullet used in a particular load, but they do provide muzzle velocity and several downrange velocities. That's all the information you need to calculate the bullet's BC (See "How to calculate Ballistic Coefficients" on the How To Examples page). Enter the data into one of the trace windows as shown below.

Once the load or bullet information is entered into a trace window, you can calculate all downrange data just as if your load or bullet we in the database. Of course you can save the trace to disk so that you'll always have your information.

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Troubleshooting Problems

There are factors external to the program that can cause a number of issues. We've put all that information together in a single help page.

Link: Troubleshooting Help Page


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Ballistic Explorer is a trademark of Dexadine, Inc.   All other products mentioned are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.
Last updated: January 1, 2018
Copyright 2018 by Dexadine, Inc.