Change Trace Category

This tool changes the category of traces from one category to another category. For example, assume some traces have the category "Handload" while other traces have the category "Reload", and you want all these traces to use "Reload".

Click Tools on the main menu and then click Change trace category... to open the Change Trace Category dialog box.

Notice the two edit boxes and the down arrow button just to the right of each edit box. You can enter text directly into the edit boxes or click the down arrow box to select from the current list of categories. For this example, enter "Handload" into the Category To Change edit box and enter "Reload" into the New Category edit box, and then click OK. The program finds every trace in the current trace file that has the category "Handload" and change it to "Reload".

Note that the program ignores the case of letters, thus the following categories are all the same to the program "Handload", "handload", "HANDLOAD". However, the text you enter into the New Category edit box is copied to the matching traces exactly as you entered it. This property allows you to clean up variations in the way you used upper and lower case letters when entering categories. For example, open the Change Trace Category dialog box and enter "reload" in the Category To Change edit box and enter "Reload" into the New Category edit box, and then click OK. Every case variation of "ReLoad" will be changed to "Reload".