Graph Traces Click View on the main menu and then click Graph Traces to open this display. The Graph Traces window is used to display trace data in graphical form. The Graph window is sizable and positionable within the program's main window. The controls at the top of the Graph window are as follows: Clicking the Options button opens the menu shown above. Clicking Color options... opens the Graph Color Options dialog which is used to set colors on the Graph window. Mach bars are short vertical lines crossing a plot line at the point with the bullet's air velocity corresponds the the selected Mach number. The Mach bars are color coded to match the Trace they correspond to. The following image identifies the Zero line, and shows Mach bars at Mach 1.7 for each trace. It's customary to show the zero line when graphing some types of data such as Drop where the zero line represents the Line Of Departure (centerline of the gun's barrel), or Path where the zero line represents the Line Of Sight. However, sometimes you may want more vertical resolution to better show details and selecting to not plot the zero line from the Options menu allows the trace plots to use the full vertical height of the graph. The controls at the bottom of the Graph window are as follows: Clicking within the graph area opens the Data Grid and positions the Data Grid Cursor as follows: The Double Chevron button in the lower right corner of the graph opens and closes the Data Grid just as clicking within and outside the Graph area does, but it has an additional feature. With the Data Grid Cursor displayed, you then close the Data Grid by clicking outside the Graph area, or by clicking the Double Chevron button, you can then restore the Data Grid Cursor to its prior position by clicking the Double Chevron button to open the Data Grid. The exception is that the Data Grid Cursor's prior position must be within the currently displayed range of the graph. If not, the Data Grid Cursor is displayed in the center of the currently displayed range. Besides the usual graphing of data relative to range, you can also graph data relative to time of flight (T.O.F.). To do so use the drop down list in the lower left of the graph window to select T.O.F. as follows: When T.O.F. is selected Range is then treated as a type of data and has it's own tab and column. If comparing data as displayed in the Examine Traces display to that of the Graph Traces display, use the Range column data to find the appropriate range for each trace in the Examine Traces display. |